Susan A. Enfield, JEA 2012 Administrator of the Year and superintendent for Highline Public Schools, Burien, Washington, shares her belief in the educational need for scholastic journalism and student media in schools. Enfield is also a former publications adviser and journalism teacher.

Susan A. Enfield receives the 2012 Administrator of the Year award from Journalism Education Association president Mark Newton, MJE. JEA photo by Bradley Wilson, MJE.
Part 1: Why maintain a journalism program
Part 2: Pressures on today’s principals
Part 3: The First Amendment and school publications
Part 4: Qualities of a good adviser
Part 5: Checklist for principals
About Susan Enfield, JEA 2012 Administrator of the Year
The Journalism Education Association chose Dr. Susan A. Enfield, superintendent of schools for Highline Public Schools in Burien, Wash., as its 2012 Administrator of the Year. This award goes to an administrator who has shown a dedication to journalism education.
Enfield’s previous administrative positions include work in the Portland Public Schools, the Evergreen Public Schools in Vancouver, Wash., and as chief academic officer in the Seattle Public Schools and last school year as interim superintendent of schools in Seattle.
Prior to her administrative career, Enfield taught high school English, ESL and journalism in the San Francisco Bay area. Nick Ferentinos wrote in his nomination letter, “Susan has gone on to become an evangelist for the power of journalism education.”
Kathy Schrier, executive director of the Washington Journalism Education Association, wrote, “Dr. Enfield is a school superintendent who understands the crucial role that a free student press plays in our schools. She has shown her commitment on the front lines in Seattle, and will continue to do so as the first superintendent of school to serve on the Student Press Law Center Board of Directors.”
Late last school year, Enfield found herself in a showdown with the Seattle School Board over proposed changes that would have revised the policy regarding student press rights. This policy, had it passed, would have limited a vibrant and free student press in Seattle.
Enfield announced that the proposed changes would not happen on her watch, and the changes were stopped, at least for now.
During a luncheon speech in April during the spring national journalism convention, she declared her intent to advocate for a state law in Washington protecting student free speech, despite the state superintendents’ organization opposing such legislation.
Enfield student-taught with Nick Ferentinos in 1992, and become his successor leading the journalism program at Homestead High School in Cupertino, Calif.
Enfield received the Administrator of the Year award during the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in San Antonio.
Introduction to Quill & Scroll
Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists was organized April 10, 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic media.
Since its founding, school charters have been granted to more than 14,000 high schools in all 50 states and 44 countries. Media advisers in chartered schools are eligible to recommend outstanding high school journalism students for membership in Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society.
Among its programs to encourage and recognize achievements, Quill and Scroll publishes books, such as The Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism, a magazine, website, social media and other resources.